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Battlegrounds XL vs Adree Perez vs Rosalie Knight (Triple Threat Match) - RP #1

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Battlegrounds XL vs Adree Perez vs Rosalie Knight (Triple Threat Match) - RP #1 Empty Battlegrounds XL vs Adree Perez vs Rosalie Knight (Triple Threat Match) - RP #1

Post by Brandon Macdonald Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:46 pm

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Thursday, May 17th, 2012 -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Manchester, New Hampshire -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-
-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- 22:00 -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

Anna Stone
Ugh, Karly, why can’t I find anyone that’ll actually last?

I looked over at Karly Zedic, who was sitting across me. We were grabbing some dinner at a sports bar here in Portland, but we didn’t feel like signing autographs or anything. So we did up our hair and put on sunglasses and baseball caps, and found a booth in the far corner of the bar. So far it had worked, and nobody had found us yet.

Karly Zedic
Anna please! You could have any boy that you want!

Anna Stone
But then why don’t I?

I had gone through so many guys lately. The most recent one was Jason Hawk. I don’t really know what I saw in him. I think it was just one of those, “I’m so lonely so I’ll jump at the first thing I can get” type of things. It lasted maybe a week. Then he just stopped texting me. Stopped calling me. Just stopped all contact with me altogether. I wasn’t really that upset though, because after thinking about it, I didn’t really like Jason. I mean he was a nice guy and a good friend. But at the same time, he was very full of himself, almost too much. It was actually really unattractive sometimes. I also don’t think he was quite over his break up with Kat. So I was probably his bounce back girl, and I didn’t want that. So I called him, left him a message saying that it was over. Of course I never heard back from him or anything. Whatever. If he wanted to act like a ten year old about all of this, then that was his problem. I just wanted to move on with my life and forget that this ever happened. Besides, he really got his ass kicked in the Team IWF victory over Team WEW. So that was awesome to see. He really had it coming, at least in my mind, after all the shit he put me through.

Karly Zedic
I don’t know, I think maybe you’re just trying too hard. It’ll happen when it happens right? When you try too hard, you get those guys who you think are going to be great, but then they end up being self-righteous douchebags. But when you’re just sitting there, minding your own business, the nicest, best guys always find you. That’s what happened with Brandon and me. I wasn’t even looking for a relationship or anything, and he just came and swept me off my feet.

Boy she liked to talk about Brandon a lot. But I couldn’t blame her. He was basically the perfect guy. He had a few flaws for sure, everyone does. But Brandon hides his flaws pretty well most of the time. Sometimes I wish it would’ve worked out between us. But at the same time, I don’t try to dwell on the past. It didn’t work out between us, and I was fine with that now. Maybe I was cursed when I broke up with Brandon. Now I’ll never find another guy again.

Anna Stone
I guess. Maybe you’re right; maybe I should just stop worrying.

Karly Zedic
Exactly! It’ll happen when it happens! You don’t need to push for it or anything. Anna you’re like the hottest, nicest, best girl I know. You’re going to find a guy that’s good enough for you. Shark, Aaron, Jason, none of them were good enough for you, and that’s just a fact.

Anna Stone
What about Brandon, was he not good enough for me?

I grinned at her and giggled as she shoved me jokingly.

Karly Zedic
Shut up, he was great. You two just didn’t work out I guess. But thanks, because now I’m really happy!

Anna Stone
You’re welcome. I’m just glad to see that you’re happy. If I can’t be happy, at least you are!

Karly Zedic
Don’t make me feel guilty!

I laughed. I wasn’t trying to make her guilty; I was actually being serious. I really wanted her to be happy, and I didn’t care how it happened. I was way over Brandon and I anyways, so her being with him didn’t really faze me. Brandon and I are like brother and sister now, so I was happy for him.

Anna Stone
I’m not! I’m seriously happy for you! Brandon’s a good guy, you two are legit the cutest couple I’ve ever seen. It’s so hot.

Karly Zedic
Thanks Anna!

Karly hugged me and I laughed. It was fun hanging out with Karly, she was so awesome. I looked down at my watch. Brandon’s meeting was supposed to be over by now, so he’d be coming back here, which would probably mean that I had to leave. As if on cue, Brandon burst into the door, wearing one of those glasses/mustache costume masks and his hood pulled over his head. If I didn’t recognize his body, and the fact that he entered Karly’s locked hotel room, I wouldn’t have guessed it was him.

Karly Zedic
Ew Brandon, what the fuck are you wearing?

Brandon was gasping for air as he quickly ripped his hoodie off and threw it in the closet. He grabbed the glasses mask and snapped it in half, before tossing it in the garbage, which he then shoved in the closet.

Anna Stone
What are you doing?

Brandon stopped and put his hands on his knees, trying to calm his breathing down. He walked over to the sink and splashed water on his face before drying it off with a towel. He looked at us and reached into his shirt, before pulling out a gun and a large bag of something green.

Karly Zedic
Fuck Brandon are you kidding me?

He tossed the bag over and I caught it. A bag of weed, of course. I should have seen that one coming. He did this when we dated and were married too. He was so well known, so often in the public eye that he couldn’t be caught dead buying marijuana from a local drug dealer. So he’d wear a ridiculous costume to disguise himself, carry a gun for protection, and go buy some. That way nobody would recognize him. Dealers rarely cared, as long as they got their money.

Brandon Macdonald
Hide that somewhere please.

I quickly shoved it underneath the couch I was on and covered it with the sheet hanging over.

Karly Zedic
Brandon what the fuck are you running from?

Brandon finally stopped taking his stuff off and looked over at us.

Brandon Macdonald
I went to some back alley to buy weed, sketchy I know. But it was behind some club. Anyways, we were just finishing up the deal, and I could hear gunshots from the club, and a bunch of guys flew through the backdoor, being chased by cops. Obviously I didn’t want to be arrested for buying weed, nor did I want my name died to any shooting in some club. So I booked it the other way, hoping the cops would focus on those guys running. But apparently one of them decided to chase me. Anyways I ran up here and he didn’t see me go into the room, so I should be in the clear.

I facepalmed, as Karly did the same. Only Brandon could get himself into something like this.

Karly Zedic
So nobody saw you?

Brandon Macdonald
Well they saw me, but they saw that mask thing and that hoodie, and stuff. No way they’ll recognize me.

Brandon walked over to the couch and sat down. Almost immediately, there was a knock at the door. We all looked at each other, as Brandon slowly got up and walked to the door. He opened it up, and I could see a police officer and another man standing there.

Brandon Macdonald
Can I help you?

Police Officer
Can we come in? We’d like to talk to you about what happened at the club earlier.

Shit they knew. But how?

Brandon Macdonald
I’m sorry, but I’ve been in my room all night, not quite sure what you’re talking about.

Police Officer
You were wearing those shoes at the scene. Don’t worry; we’re here to talk to you about what actually happened at the club, not what you were doing in that alley. If you cooperate, we’ll pretend we never saw you back there

Thank god.

Brandon Macdonald
Oh. Okay. Come on in then.

The two men walked inside and sat down across from us. Brandon sat down and stared across at them. I wasn’t sure who the one guy was; he was clearly not a regular police officer since he wasn’t wearing a uniform or anything. But he had a real professional look about him.

Police Officer
So, Mr. Macdonald, you were behind Club Hampshire earlier tonight, and you witnessed a police chase correct?

I guess he recognized Brandon. It wasn’t hard, Brandon was very recognizable. Not many people were unaware of what he looked like. Plus they could have asked the hotel who was in this room.

Brandon Macdonald
Yeah, that’s correct

Police Officer
Well, I’m going to hand this over to Agent Johnson here

An agent, that’s what he was. It made sense; he was dressed really nicely, but looked as serious as anything.

Agent Johnson
Thank you. Mr. Macdonald, ladies, I’m FBI Agent Johnson. I’m currently running this investigation.

He pulled out something from his pocket and flashed it at us. It was his identification. I had never actually seen a real FBI badge or card before, but both of his looked pretty real to me.

Karly Zedic
Investigation of what?

So Karly was as curious about this as I was. I wanted to know what he was doing, why was an FBI agent involved in this seemingly random police chase.

Agent Johnson
Maybe you’ve heard of them, the Giordano family?

I hadn’t heard of them before. From the look on Karly’s face, neither had she. But Brandon sure looked like he did.

Brandon Macdonald
Aren’t they like, a major organized crime family?

Agent Johnson
Not just a crime family, but THE crime family. They’re based out of Los Angeles, but they basically run the entire western side of America, as well as much of the Eastern side. They have semi-partnerships with the Gambino and Genovese families, which in essence make them the most powerful organized crime family in America. They’re the top of the top.

Karly Zedic
That’s cool and all, but what does that have to do with anything about Brandon at the club?

I had to try really hard not to laugh. Karly was not a very patient girl, and it showed here. She wanted answers and she wanted them now.

Agent Johnson
Ma’am please be patient. As I was saying, I’m investigating the family, and trying to find anything to put any of them away. We had an informant tip us off that Gianni Giordano, family Underboss and son of Boss Giancarlo Giordano would himself be in Manchester tonight, overseeing a massive drug trade operation. We were told that he would be waiting at this club, before moving on to the trade location. We sent a few agents and more officers from the local force to get an eye on him and trail him to the location. However, when we arrived, we quickly learned that the whole thing was a set-up. Gianni was nowhere to be seen, and the others, presumably family soldiers, knew we were coming. So the firefight you heard was us arriving at the club.

Anna Stone

Agent Johnson
Yes. So it was apparent that our informant was incorrect, or else giving us false information. Either way, it is painfully obvious that Gianni Giordano is not here in Manchester tonight.

Wow, that’s a pretty crazy story. Like straight out of a movie. I didn’t know mafia families like that still existed. Well I mean obviously they still existed, but I didn’t think that they were that powerful, and ran stuff like that. To hear a real FBI agent tell me this was pretty cool.

Brandon Macdonald
Yeah I heard the gunshots. I basically booked it out of there once you guys started chasing them out of the back.

Agent Johnson
Yes, we’re aware of that. Officer Johnson here followed you back to your hotel and located the room you were in.

Another Johnson. I think every federal agent and police officer was named Johnson.

Brandon Macdonald
How did you know what room I was in?

Police Officer
You took the elevator, which was your mistake. I saw which floor you got off on, and then checked the registry of guests on that floor. Luckily there were only seven rooms booked. A businesswoman alone, your room, an elderly couple, and a group of young male soccer players taking up the rest. I used my best guess to determine that it was you who ran away from the scene.

Stupid Brandon, using the elevator. Who does that? You’re getting chased by the police and you take the elevator? I mean come on, everyone knows you take the stairs. Although we were on the sixteenth floor, so it was a pretty big climb. But I guarantee Brandon was in better shape than any police officer on the force.

Brandon Macdonald
Alright, fair enough. So why did you want to talk to me about this?

Agent Johnson
Did you happen to see any of the people who ran out of the club?

Brandon Macdonald
No, they ran so fast and I was already booking it out of there.

Agent Johnson
Did you happen to get a look at the man’s face that you were talking to?

I guess they knew Brandon was back there buying drugs or something. But he was cooperating, and it seemed like they had much bigger issues to deal with.

Brandon Macdonald
No, I didn’t. Wait, he had a scar across his right cheek, I could see that much. He was wearing a hoodie and it was really dark, so I couldn’t see much else. He talked funny too, now that I think about it, he was probably trying to disguise his voice.

Agent Johnson
That’s most likely. After the chase he shot at a few of our officers in the back as they ran the other way. We believe that he was a solider himself. Luckily our officers had their vests on. The man ran off before we could get anything though.

Anna Stone
How did you get in contact with that guy Brandon?

Karly gave me the dirtiest stare when I asked that. But I just wanted to help these guys, and Brandon was pretty good at making things up on the spot. Besides, these guys obviously didn’t care about Brandon’s relationship with this guy.

Brandon Macdonald
Actually I met someone in a corner store who told me to meet this guy there. He gave me his phone number too.

Agent Johnson
What did this man look like?

Brandon Macdonald
Nothing overly strange. Wearing a baseball cap, and
sunglasses. Jeans, sweater. Nothing really special.

Agent Johnson
Do you still have the phone number?

Brandon Macdonald
Actually yeah I do.

Agent Johnson
Call him. Try to set up another meeting or something.

Brandon Macdonald
Ummmm, okay.

Brandon pulled out his phone and began to dial a number into it. The room fell silent as Brandon listened on the phone for a few moments. I was holding my breath, waiting for someone to answer. Brandon’s tense expression faded and he took the phone away from his ear.

Brandon Macdonald

He held the phone up to the ear of Agent Johnson, who listened, before sighing in disappointment. He handed the phone back to Brandon, who shoved it in his pocket.

Agent Johnson
Alright well I think we’ve done all we can for now. Here, take my card.

He pulled out a few cards and handed one to each of us. I looked down at it. It was a small business card with only his name and number on it. Guess he didn’t want anyone to know what he did. Which made sense I guess.

Agent Johnson
If you hear from this man again, or anyone who might be related to this, please call us.

Brandon Macdonald
Will do.

Agent Johnson and the police officer stood up and shook each of our hands. Brandon lead them out to the door, and then closed it and locked it behind them. He leaned up against the door and smacked his head into it.

Brandon Macdonald

Posts : 175
Join date : 2013-11-08

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